Product Review: IdealLean Protein Powder by IdealFit


I’ve written extensively about my diet; what I eat, when I eat, why I eat what I eat, and what supplements I take. If you need a quick refresher, here you go!

A BIG part of my daily intake is protein. That’s because protein is essential for the building up of, and repairing of tissue. It’s an important building block of bones, cartilage, skin, blood and most important – MUSCLES!

On any given day, I’m taking in roughly 140 grams of protein. To get that much I have to supplement with shakes, bars, etc. I typically have a protein bar in the morning before my workout, and supplement with shakes throughout the day. Usually two shakes (one between breakfast and lunch, and the other between lunch and dinner.) Each shake gives me between 20-25 grams of protein and provides little else in terms of macronutrients (e.g carbs and fats).

Finding a good protein is all about research and development. If you only trust the pretty pictures on labels and nutritional facts you’d believe all of them taste like a chocolate shake from In & Out, and we know that’s not the case. You gotta taste them to know if they’re any good.

In my experience, some brands are grainy and refuse to blend well, others are akin to drinking a crushed multi-vitamin, while others are packed with what I like to call “add-ins” and overload my daily intake with unnecessary ingredients – like extra carbs, sugars and fats. However, because supplementing with protein shakes is an essential part of being able to hit my MACRO goals, I have to have them.

In a recent bout of trial and error, I came across a winner with IdealFit’s new IdealLean Protein Shake, It’s not only delicious, but specifically formulated FOR WOMEN! Yay!

Nutritional FactsWhat makes it specifically for women? Let’s take a look at the label.

Women are terrified of fat, and guess what – no fat! That’s not saying I don’t get fat in my diet, on the contrary, I get plenty. 50 grams per day to be exact. The only thing is, I’d rather not drink my fats. I prefer to get them in veggies – like avocado – or in other protein sources – like eggs.

There are no carbs, which is awesome. Again, I get plenty of carbs, but I don’t like to drink them.

IdealLean has folic acid, vitamin D, and calcium! As a matter of fact, my two shakes a day ensure that I get my recommended daily dose of folic acid, which helps hair growth, nail strength and can help stave off premature graying and hair loss.

The included calcium and vitamin D help with a myriad of other potential problems facing women. Calcium helps with blood clotting, muscle contraction, nerve transmission and may also reduce the risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women. Vitamin D helps hormone levels, in particular balancing those hormone that improve your mood. Again, if that isn’t speaking to us ladies I don’t know what is!

Also included are trace amounts of L-Glutamine, magnesium and potassium, which I already supplement with as part of my daily regimen. See that here!

But forget about the health benefits of the ingredients for a minute and let’s focus on what’s really important – does it taste good?

I’ve been working on a 5lb tub of Chocolate Brownie for the last few weeks and it still tastes good. Believe me, that’s saying A LOT! When mixed with a cold glass of 2% milk it’s like I’m licking the left-over batter from a brownie bowl, and when mixed with water it’s like I’m drinking a silky smooth milk shake. (Note: I prefer it with water!)

Initially, I used a shaker bottle to blend the powder and, to be perfectly honest, a shaker bottle is a bit overkill. The powder blends SO smooth a few stirs with a spoon is all I need. And as far as I’m concerned, any time I can get a reprieve from the shaker bottle I’ll take it.

I’ve tried the stuff with mix-ins like bananas, oatmeal, and strawberries each time it’s just as good. Call me a purist though, my ideal shake is still (and probably always will be) a cold glass of water, a few ice cubes, and a scoop of protein. A quick whip with an immersion blender and it’s ice cold, delicious and packed with protein.

Another bonus – that I think maybe only seasoned protein powder aficionados will get – is that IdealLean comes with an extra-long scoop handle. You don’t have to bury your hand up to the wrist to get a good scoop out of the tub. It’s an extra touch that certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed on me!

I can’t say whether my quest for the holy grail of protein powders has come to an end with IdealLean, but I think I may have found an oasis in what otherwise has been a protein powder desert.

For more info on IdeaFit and IdeaLean check out their website, here, or follow them on Facebook for giveaways and product promotions.

Side note: A friend who works with IdealFit asked me to sample (for free) their protein and see how I liked it. Turns out I REALLY do like it!

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